Savory gluten-free cake with zucchini, salamini and mozzarella breaded with sesame

Savory gluten-free cake with zucchini, salamini and mozzarella breaded with sesame
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Time: 1 ora più riposo
Difficulty: Facile

Ingredients for 4 people
500 g Molino special bread and pizza from Giovanna
350 g water
1 egg white
50 g of melted butter
1 pinch of fine salt
2 zucchini
2 shallots
2 whole eggs
50 g of Parmesan cheese
200 g of mozzarella for pizza allowed
200 g gluten-free salami
60 g of sesame seeds
Gluten-free fine rice flour

Pour the mix into a bowl with a pinch of salt, mix everything with a spoon and start adding the egg yolk and water, knead gently with the palm of your hand and pour the butter, until making 'smooth and creamy dough, remove the dough from the walls with rice flour and place it on a pastry board and work it gently with the palm of your hand until it becomes a smooth and compact ball.
Close the dough in plastic wrap and put it in the fridge to rest for about 40 minutes.
Meanwhile, peel the shallot and slice it into very thin slices, place them on a pan with two tablespoons of oil and sauté over low heat for a few minutes, meanwhile wash the zucchini well, slice them into thin slices and add them to the shallot. Cook everything for about 5 minutes on a high flame.
When cooked, season with salt and pepper, drain from oil and place in a separate bowl.
Chop the mozzarella into small cubes and put aside too; shell the eggs and beat vigorously with the prongs of a fork, season with the Parmesan, salt and freshly ground pepper, add the courgettes and put everything in the fridge for about 10 minutes.
Line a 24 cm diameter baking sheet with baking paper, take the dough and spread it on a floured rolling pin until a thickness of 3-5 mm, pierce the base with the tines of a fork.
Take the salamini and divide them in two along the length, cover the base of the mold by forming a circle with the salamis, dust with the mozzarella, add the egg base and sprinkle with the sesame seeds.
With the dough cut-outs, spread them again to a thickness of 4 mm and form small strips cut out with a festooned wheel and gently cover the surface forming a chessboard.
Preheat the oven to 170 ° and cook the cake for about 40/45 minutes; after cooking time, remove from the oven and leave to rest for about 30 minutes before slicing.