Gluten-free sandwiches with lemon and mint

Gluten-free sandwiches with lemon and mint
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Time: 1 ora e 53 minuti
Difficulty: Facile

440 g of special bread and pizza Molino from Giovanna
60 g gluten-free rice flour
360 g water
14 g fresh brewer's yeast
100 g extra virgin olive oil
50 g lemon juice
2 mint leaves
10 g of sugar
3 g of fine salt
the rind of a grated lemon
Extra virgin oil for brushing

Time: 35 minutes more rest
Difficulty: easy

Place the flour and the mix in a bowl; in a second bowl, dissolve the yeast in the water with the sugar and set aside.
Add the liquid to the mix and mix it with your hands until it is all squeezed, so that all the liquids are well absorbed into the flour.
Add the lemon juice, the grated lemon peel and the chopped mint leaves and continue to squeeze, complete with oil and salt and work quickly, until the whole fat part is absorbed.
To prepare the sandwiches, make a direct leavening: after having kneaded everything, let it rise for 1 hour and 30 minutes, then divide the dough into 4 parts, and divide the dough into forms of about 90 g, shape them, giving them form a round bun and place them on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, wet the surface with water and place again to rise for about 30 minutes.
After the rising time, brush the surface of the dough with oil and bake in the hot oven at 220 for the first 5 minutes, then lower the oven to 190 ° C and finish cooking the rolls at 190 ° C for others 10 minutes.
At the end of cooking, remove from the oven and allow everything to cool well.