Marco Scaglione
My professional biography and my story are linked together they kept strong by a strap which is called passion. I'm lucky: I like my job, I enjoy it and it fills me with satisfaction.
It was born a new collaboration between Marco Scaglione and Aksum. Click on the logo and visit their site.
Time: 2 ore e 40 minuti
Difficulty: Media
From my Sicilian origins, I could only propose the recipe for arancini gluten-free meat with meat sauce and peas
1,2 l water
400 g Carnaroli rice
8 g salt up
2 sachets of saffron
40 g of butter
For meat sauce and peas and filling
200 g chopped vegetables (onion, carrot and celery)
50 g extra virgin olive oil
450 g minced beef
60 g red wine
20 g tomato concentrate
160 g frozen peas
300 g tomato puree
70 g water
10 g salt up
2 g ground black pepper
500 g mozzarella for gluten-free pizza cut into cubes
For Pastel and Breading
200 g water
50 g starch
120 g gluten-free fine rice flour
2 g salt up
700 g gluten-free breadcrumbs
For the Frying
3 l sunflower seed oil
Time: 2 hours and 40 minutes Difficulty: Medium Portions: 8
Procedure for cooking rice
Pour the water into a large pot and bring to a boil, pour the rice, butter and saffron and cook.
At the end of this step, with the help of a spoon, remove the rice from the bowl and spread on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, allow to cool for 2 hours.
Proceed with the cooking of the sauce.
Chop the vegetables and put in a pan with the oil and sauté for about 7 minutes, add the peas and tomato paste, cook.
After about 15 minutes, add the meat, the red wine and continue to cook for 5 minutes.
Add the tomato puree, water, salt and pepper, put the lid on and leave to cook for about 40 minutes.
At the end of cooking, turn over the pea sauce in a bowl to cool for 2 hours.
In the meantime, prepare the batter by pouring in a bowl the water, flour, salt and pepper and with the help of an immersion blender, mix very well.
Set aside until used.
Once the rice and meat sauce are very cold, wet your hands well, take a couple of spoons at a time (about 120 grams of rice), crush the cow in the middle of the hand forming a basin and pour inside a teaspoon of filling with meat sauce and a teaspoon of mozzarella.
Then close the base of the arancino with the rice and shape giving it a round shape.
Then dip the arancini, one by one, in the batter taking care to cover them entirely and then roll them in breadcrumbs.
In a small saucepan heat the oil and bring to a temperature of 170-180, at that point fry one orange at a time or at most two not to lower the temperature of the oil: just a few moments and when they are golden you can drain them by placing them on a tray lined with paper