Cantucci without gluten with almonds and hazelnuts

Cantucci without gluten with almonds and hazelnuts
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Time: 50 minuti
Difficulty: Facile

Cantucci with almonds and hazelnut flour

For the Mix
300 g corn starch Sarchio
180 g rice flour impalpable Sarchio
60 g tapioca starch without gluten
12 g gluten-free guar gum
6 g psillium fiber fiber
Ingredients for the cantucci
250 g mix see above
240 g whole eggs
40 g egg yolk
125 g granulated sugar
5 g yeast for desserts
80 g whole almonds
30 g hazelnut flour Sarchio
2 grated oranges and oranges
2 eggs beaten to brush
Sugar Canna Sarchio

Preparation time: 1 hour
Cuko: 18 minutes away
Oven 15 minutes
Waiting for 1 hour
Difficulty level: Easy
Servings: 12 per serving
Mode: manual mode

Procedure for the cantucci
1.  Pour the stainless steel blade into the container. Put the almonds and blend in vel. 8 for 1 minute.
2.  Remove the almonds from the container and place them in a bowl.
3.  Pour the mix, the sugar and the rest of the ingredients and blend in vel.5 for 2 minutes.
4.  Complete the mixture with pulses of 3-5 seconds to finish mixing.
5. Remove the dough from the bowl with the help of the spatula, pour into a pastry board and sprinkle with rice flour and form a ball to be put in the fridge for at least one hour.
6. Take the dough from the fridge and form 3 strands, place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and put in the oven and brush with beaten egg, sprinkle with brown sugar and cook at 180°C for about 30 minutes.
7.  At the end of cooking, remove from the oven and leave to stand for 5 minutes, at this point with a knife, cut the corners diagonally. Put again in the pan and put in the oven to cook for another 10 minutes at 160°C