Gluten-free potato croquettes with parsley and mozzarella

Gluten-free potato croquettes with parsley and mozzarella
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Time: 50 minuti
Difficulty: Facile


1 litre of water
650 g yellow potatoes 
30 g parmesan cheese
1 egg yolk 1
150 g mozzarella for gluten-free pizza
1 small bunch chopped parsley
3/5 g Fine salt 
For the breading process:
250 g gluten-free breadcrumbs
2 eggs
To fry up
1 l sunflower seed oil
Preparation: 1 hour and 30 minutes
Cuko: 43 minutes Difficulty:Easy portions: 4
Mode: manual mode
Tools for the recipe
- The stainless steel

Place the potatoes and water needed for cooking in the bowl, close and set the Pro cube xl for 40 min to 110°C.
After cooking, drain and peel the potatoes with a knife while they are still warm. Cut into cubes and put back in the bowl with the stainless steel blade, set vel.10 for 3 min. and blend until the mixture is smooth.
Add the egg, the Parmesan, the salt and the chopped parsley and mix with impulses.
Take a spoonful of mixture (about 50g) and shape until you get a cylinder; put a cube of mozzarella in the centre and close carefully.
Pass the croquettes in the eggs previously beaten in a dish, and then in the breadcrumbs and proceed in this way until the mixture ends.
Fry in a pan with plenty of oil at 170°C, brown evenly, drain with a skimming ladle on kitchen paper, so that they lose the excess oil and serve.