Gluten-free onions and peas with MARCO SCAGLIONE yogurt foam

Gluten-free onions and peas with MARCO SCAGLIONE yogurt foam
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Time: 45 minuti
Difficulty: Facile

Ingredients for 4 people

20 g shallot sliced
40 g extra virgin olive oil Sarchio
500 g frozen peas
200 g water water
½ Vegetable nut without gluten
150 g fresh cream  
5 g of fine salt
A pinch of ground black pepper
125 ml white yogurt
10 sprigs of fresh mint    

Blade in stainless steel
Mixing shovel
Measuring device

Preparation: 10 minutes
Cuko: 47 minutes                          
Waiting for Difficulty:Easy
Servings: 4% per serving 
Mode: manual mode

Tools for the recipe
- Mixing paddle, mixing paddle
- measuring cup

Place shallot in the bowl of the Pro xl cube with the mixing shovel and brown at 90°C for 4 minutes at vel.2; after the two minutes add peas, water and vegetable cube and cook for 20 minutes at 80°C vel.3.
Add the cream, salt and ground black pepper and finish cooking for 12 minutes at 90°C ve.2.
After the last two minutes of cooking, remove the mixing blade and insert the stainless steel blade.
Blend for 3 minutes at vel.10.
Filter the velvet into a sieve in a tight mesh eliminating all lumps, Place again in the cube Pro xl and complete cooking for 5 minutes at 70°C vel.2.Pour a ladle of peas in individual plates and complete the recipe with lean yogurt and sprigs of fresh mint.