Ciabatta senza glutine con semi di Chia

Ciabatta senza glutine con semi di Chia
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Time: 2 ore e 30 minuti
Difficulty: Facile

Ingredients for the mix
145 g rice flour impalpable Sarchio
35 g corn starch Sarchio
30 g of gluten-free organic lupin flour
25 g corn flour Sarchio
9 g Bio guar gum without gluten
6 g psillium fiber Bio without gluten
10 g Chia seed Biio Sarchio
For L’dough
250 g mix see above
180 g water water
30 g extra virgin olive oil
20 g fresh yeast
10 g fine salt
1 g of baking soda

Gilding /
Forma ciabatta
Duration 2 hours and 27 minutes

Procedure for the Mix

Insert the powders into the PAGNOTTA container, select the program 18 and press START, let it all mix for about 30 minutes, taking care to mix from time to time with a spatula helping the machine.
After this first phase the program stops.
Procedure for the dough
In the PAGNOTTA container add the water with the yeast previously dissolved, select program 2 and press START. After about 10 minutes add the oil and the salt. The dough lasts a total of 27 minutes; in the middle of the program check the consistency which should be rather elastic, if necessary add water.
At the 10 bibs of the machine take the dough out of the loaf container, divide the dough into two equal parts, grease the moulds and place the dough inside, crush with the greased fingers of oil on the whole dough.
Put the moulds ciabatta in the special support and store inside the machine and press the menu button.
The bread machine will proceed to leaven the slippers and cook them automatically.
After two hours and 27 minutes the slippers will be cooked and ready to be tasted.