Muffin senza glutine con pere e cioccolato

 Muffin senza glutine con pere e cioccolato
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Time: 1 ora e 30 minuti
Difficulty: Facile

Ingredients for 6 people

200 g dark chocolate chips 62% allowed
120 g granulated sugar
100 g bread mix Revolution
80 g of butter
2 whole eggs, 2 whole eggs
60 g of whole milk
1 pear of Abate
10 g bitter cocoa allowed
16 g baking yeast allowed
1 g of fine salt

Time: 1 hour and half more rest
Difficulty level: Easy

Shell the eggs in a bowl with the sugar and beat with an electric whisk. Add the milk in a trickle and the butter previously dissolved in a bain-marie and left to cool, mix with the bitter cocoa powder and the yeast.

Add the powders all at once in the egg mounted and stir quickly. To obtain high and soft muffins one of the secrets is to keep the dough a bit coarse so it is not necessary to mix until you get a smooth and homogeneous mixture.

Wash and peel the pear with the help of a knife, remove the core and cut into small cubes.

Add the pear pieces, the chocolate chips and stir inside the dough; cover the mould trays with the appropriate paper cups.

For those who do not have the baking tray for muffin I recommend to use paper cups with reinforced edge or aluminum to be buttered and floured.

Pour one tablespoon of dough into each cup.

Bake in preheated oven at 200° for the first 5 minutes and continue cooking at 180° for another 12-15 minutes, depending on the oven. Make the test stick to make sure that the muffin pears and chocolate are well cooked.