Gluten-free octopus salad with potato cream

Gluten-free octopus salad with potato cream
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Time: 2 ore
Difficulty: minima

Ingredients for 6 people:
800 g of octopus - 400 g of white potatoes - 4 bunches of rocket and 1 carrot celery
1 white onion
2 tablespoons of white wine vinegar
0.5 dl of dry white wine
3 shallots
50 g peeled pine nuts 1 piece of garlic< br>50g of grated Parmigiano Reggiano PDO - 2,5 dl of extra virgin olive oil
salt up
2 cloves
2 grains of black pepper


Peel carrot, celery and onion and cut into small pieces; cook them in boiling water with the cloves, pepper, vinegar and wine for 30 minutes. Then dip the octopus in theboiling water and cook for about 45 minutes over medium heat; drain it, drain it well, transfer it to a bowl and, when it is warm, cut it into small pieces starting from the tentacles.

Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into irregular pieces. Peel the shallots, chop finely and brown them in a pan with 2 tablespoons of oil; add the potatoes, let them season, stirring constantly, then cover flush with hot water and cook. At the end, transfer everything into a tall and narrow jug and pass the preparation with the immersion blender, until obtaining a smooth mixture; season with salt, place it in a bowl and keep aside.

Wash the rocket, dry it with a kitchen towel and cut it in an irregular way with a pair of scissors;place it in a tall and narrow jug, add the pine nuts, the peeled garlic and deprived of the soul, the Parmesan cheese, 2 ice cubes and the remaining oil and blend all with the immersion blender, until obtaining a homogeneous pesto.

Place the individual dishes with the cream of potatoes and place the pieces of octopus in the center; complete with the rocket pesto, garnish, as desired, with some rocket leaves and serve.