Crispy gluten-free sandwiches

Crispy gluten-free sandwiches
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Time: 2 ore e 30 minuti
Difficulty: Facile

Ingredients for 6 milk rolls
300 g Bread Mix Revolution  
8 g of fresh yeast
180 g milk
20 g extra virgin olive oil
5 g of fine salt
Fine gluten-free rice flour for dusting
extra virgin olive oil

Program: 2
Gold plating: dark brown
Shape: Panini cheese  
Duration: 1 hour and 16 minutes

Insert the milk, crumbled yeast, honey into the PAGNOTTA container, select program 2, the level of gilding, the sandwich mold and press the START button, let mix the liquids a few minutes, After a few minutes add the mix , check the consistency of the dough if necessary help the dough with a spatula, add at the end the previously dissolved cocoa butter and a pinch of salt.

After 1 hour and 16 minutes at the machine signal of (10 BIP) stoppare the machine and transfer the dough on a pastry board floured with rice flour, divide into 6 parts to form loaves and put to rise on a baking sheet with baking paper for about 1 hour.
Heat the oven to 220° and when it is at temperature put to bake the bread; spent the first 15 minutes of cooking open the oven and close it immediately; lower the temperature to 170° and cook the sandwiches for about 20 minutes.
After the final cooking time, remove the baking tray from the oven and let the rolls cool on a raised grill for at least 30 minutes.