Gluten-free butterflies with arugula pesto with cherry tomatoes and salad

Gluten-free butterflies with arugula pesto with cherry tomatoes and salad
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Time: 50 minuti
Difficulty: Facile

Ingredients for 4 people 
250 of arugula
50 g shelled pine nuts
20 g white almonds
1 cloves of garlic without the soul
150 g of extra virgin olive oil
45 grated Parmesan cheese
35 g grated pecorino Romano cheese
For the pasta itself 
450 g water water
250 g gluten-free butterflies
8 g fine salt
4 fresh cherry tomatoes
40 g fresh salad
Extra virgin olive oil
Salt up to

Preparation: 60 minutes                                                                                    
Cuko: 31 minutes                                                                                                 
Difficulty level: Easy                                                                                                                             
Servings: 4% per serving
Mode: manual mode

Tools for the recipe

- Mixing paddle, mixing paddle

- measuring cup


Wash the rocket, dry it gently and transfer it to the container with the stainless steel blade.
Add the peeled garlic cloves, pine nuts and almonds, the olive oil and blend in vel.8 for 3 minutes until you get a cream.
Add the Parmesan and pecorino cheese and mix for 3 minutes in vel.8.
Transfer the pesto into a bowl and cover with oil.
In the container pour the water and bring to the boil, set cuko to 110° for 8 minutes.
Insert the mixing shovel, pour in the dough and cook vel.3 for 17 minutes at 100°.
Once the pasta is cooked, drain the butterflies into the bowl of pesto and mix with a spoon.
Cut the tomatoes into 4 pieces, season the salad with extra virgin olive oil and a pinch of salt.
Sporzionare the pasta, pour the salad on the bottom of the dish, add the pasta and complete with seasoned tomatoes.