Emanadas with soy nibbles and vegan peas

Emanadas with soy nibbles and vegan peas
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Time: 1 ora e 30 minuti
Difficulty: Facile

Ingredients for 6 panadas 
250 g Special bread and pizza Molino dalla Giovanna  
120 g water water
70 g Sunflower seed oil  
3 g of fine salt
10 g extra virgin olive oil
For the filling
200 g gluten-free soy nibbles
½ white onion
60 g frozen peas
50 g dried tomatoes
1 sprig of parsley
Salt up to
ground black pepper
Extra virgin olive oil

Time: 1 hour and 20 minutes more rest
Difficulty level: Easy

In a large pan fry the oil and the finely chopped onion previously, add soy bits.

After a few minutes on a low heat, add the peas, tomatoes cut into strips and sauté for a few minutes; if necessary soften the mixture with a little water so as not to make it too dry.

Meanwhile prepare the dough with the mix and the oil, the salt, knead until you get a uniform and elastic dough, let stand 30 minutes in the refrigerator covered with film.

Take the dough and start to roll with the rolling pin, in order to obtain a thin dough sheet: with a glass, a cup or a pasta cutter made so many disks, of the same number.

At this point you can proceed in two ways: using small cups to place the lower disc, fill it with stuffing, superimpose the other disc and close the whole, soldering the edges curling towards the inner one, or only with your hands, without the help of the cups, put some stuffing in the lower disc, raise the edges to give the disc a cylindrical shape, superimpose another disc of dough like “lid”welding the edges well and curling them inwards.

Arrange the empanadas thus obtained in a baking dish, first cook beat an egg with the ends of a fork, brush the empanadas and bake them at 180° for 25 minutes; they will be ready when the dough will colour evenly.