savory pie with cabbage, camembert and cherry tomatoes

savory pie with cabbage, camembert and cherry tomatoes
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Time: 1 ora
Difficulty: Facile

Ingredients for 4/6 persons
200 g Special Yeast desserts
120 g of butter
140 g water water
1 g of baking soda
1 whole egg whole egg
Potato starch or maize starch allowed for dusting

For the filling
200 g cabbage cut into joulienne
½ glass of still white wine
1 leek
3 slices of ham without gluten
100 g of fresh milk
4 whole eggs and eggs
20 g parmesan cheese
50 g camembert
50 g cherry tomatoes
Extra virgin olive oil
salt up
ground black pepper

Working time: 10 minutes
Rest time: 1 hour
Cooking time: 40/45 minutes
Difficulty level: easy

Pour the mixture into a bowl together with the baking soda and a pinch of salt, add the butter cut into small pieces and start kneading with the palm of your hand, add the water and the egg and complete the dough until it forms a smooth and compact ball.

Impellicular the dough in some film and place it in the refrigerator for about 1 hour.

Meanwhile prepare the filling:
Wash the cabbage well and remove the hard outer leaves, divide them in half in the direction of the long and cut the various leaves into joulienne.

Take the leek and remove the first peel, divide in half in the long direction and wash the inside well, slice into very thin washers and set aside.

In a pan pour two tablespoons abundant oil, heat over low heat, add the leeks and sauté a few minutes taking care to stir occasionally with a spoonful all, add the savoy cabbage and cook everything, blend with the wine after a few minutes.

When the wine has evaporated, add salt and pepper, and if the artichokes are still raw, add a glass of water and bring to the boil.

At this point shell the eggs in a bowl, with the ends of a fork, beat the eggs well, add the milk, the Parmesan cheese, salt and pepper and continue to mix well with the fork.

Pick up the pastry from the fridge, dust with starch the chopping board, work a few minutes the dough and roll out with the rolling pin until it forms a disc, line a baking sheet with baking paper roll out into the disc of brisé dough shaping the edges, pierce with the ends of a fork the base, add the cooked ham on the sides of the dough, add the artichokes and beaten eggs.

Wash the tomatoes well and divide them in half, put in the middle of the cake; heat the oven to 180° and when it has reached the temperature put to cook all for about 45 minutes, when all is well cooked remove from the oven and let rest 15 minutes before serving.