Waffle with quinoa flour, orange and cinnamon

Waffle with quinoa flour, orange and cinnamon
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Time: 15 minuti
Difficulty: Facile

This delicious recipe has an alternative ingredient: quinoa, a gluten-free food, useful for the health of the heart and intestines.

Quinoa is a plant ( Technically it is a seed) belonging to the family of Chenopidacee, is rich in protein, carbohydrates and dietary fiber. It is rich in antioxidants such as campferol and quercetin, with powerful anti-inflammatory activity and useful to counter diseases related to cellular aging, such as cancer, type 2 diabetes or autoimmune diseases. Thanks to the presence of insoluble fibers ensures intestinal balance, the proteins present in quinoa provide all 9 essential amino acids that the body is not able to synthesize and that must therefore be introduced with food.
It is rich in minerals, including magnesium, potassium, zinc and iron, but it is important to soak it before cooking to eliminate the phytic acid, which would inhibit the absorption of these minerals.

Historical background :
Venerated by the Incas as a sacred plant, it has been cultivated for over 5000 years on the stony highlands of the Andes at altitudes between 3800 and 4200 meters. It is a resistant plant that requires no special treatments. It produces a spike (panicle) rich in round seeds, similar to those of millet.
There are over 200 varieties of quinoa. The most widely used variety is quínoa Real, preferred for the low content of saponins. Other varieties marketed are: Bear, Cherry Vanilla, Cochabamba, dave 407, Gossi, Isluga, Kaslala, Kcoito, Linares, Rainbow, Red faro, Red head, Temuco.

Notes :
the consumption of quinoa can have some contraindications that can be avoided simply with some precautions. For example, saponin can cause gastrointestinal problems, but it is eliminated by rinsing quinoa abundantly in cold water before consuming it, while those who want to eat the leaves must burn them in boiling water because they contain oxalic acid, toxic to humans.

Ingredients for 4 people
180 g lactose-free milk
4 whole eggs
90 g sugar
280 g Special Pancake and Waffle Molino by Giovanna
20 g gluten-free quinoa flour
16 g gluten-free baking powder
80 g butter
grated orange peel
1 g powdered cinnamon

Preparation time: 15 minutes                                                                 
Difficulty: Easy                                                                                                                   

Peel the eggs in the bowl of the stand mixer or in a bowl and work with the whips, gradually add all the ingredients except the butter and continue to work at least a couple of minutes.
At this point add the butter at room temperature to small nuts and mix with a whisk until completely absorbed.
After heating the plate, pour into the center a ladle of dough and close, after about 4 minutes raise the plate and pull out with the tines of a fork waffles.
Continue with the rest of the dough and gradually arrange the waffles on a serving plate, stack them one above the other and complete with cream or fruit to taste.