Gluten-free Teff bread donut

Gluten-free Teff bread donut
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Time: 2 ore e 40 minuti più riposo
Difficulty: Facile

Ingredients for 4 people

440 g Bread mix Molino Dallagiovanna
60 g Teff flour
400 g water
16 g fresh yeast
60 g extra virgin olive oil
12 g salt up
Very fine gluten-free rice and maize flour for dusting 

Time: 60 minutes plus rest

Difficulty: Easy

Pour the mix and the teff into a bowl, begin to mix with a whisk or by hand the two flours, then add the yeast all'acqua in a second bowl and mix well with the tines of a fork. Pour the liquid part, very slowly to the flours, squeeze the dough with your hands, then add the oil and salt and work until you get a homogeneous consistency.
Transfer everything in a bowl, wet the surface of the dough and cover with film.
Let rise for 2 hours, until it has doubled its volume, then divide the dough into 2 equal parts form strands that roll on themselves until you close the tips forming a donut; Sprinkle with corn flour and let rise for another 40-50 minutes. Place the doughnuts on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and bake at 230 C for about 10 minutes. After this time, put the oven at 190° C and complete cooking for another 30 minutes. Once baked, let your donut rest before serving on a raised grill.