Fried bomboloni without gluten

Fried bomboloni without gluten
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Time: 1 ora
Difficulty: Facile

An easy recipe for one of the most delicious breakfasts we have in pastry shops. The fried gluten-free doughnuts can then be filled with the creams you like best, I made a pastry cream with orange and cinnamon.

Ingredients for the Yeast                               
75 g Special Leavened Pastries Molino dallagiovanna                                                                            
75 g Water                                                                        
5 g fresh yeast
For the dough                                                                
250 g Special Leavened Pastries Molino dalla Giovanna                                                                       
150 g yeast                                                                
150 g whole milk
25 g fresh yeast
1 whole egg
2 egg yolks                                                                
80 g sugar
50 g sunflower seed oil
A pinch of salt                                               
The grated peel of an orange
The pulp of a vanilla bean
For the Cream
500 g whole milk
4 red eggs
135 g granulated sugar
40 g gluten-free corn starch
A pinch of cinnamon gluten-free powder
the grated zest of an orange
Very fine gluten-free rice flour for dusting

Time : 50 minutes plus rest
Difficulty : average

STEP 1, the yeast: in a bowl pour the mix, add the yeast in the water and mix well, knead by hand directly into the bowl.
The dough will be smooth and creamy, let rise in a bowl covered with film for 40 minutes at room temperature.
Pour the mix, the yeast and mix in a bowl, dissolve the milk with the yeast, sugar and add to the base of the mix, little by little; knead well, then add the oil and eggs and continue to work until completely amalgamated.
Add to finish the orange peel, a pinch of salt and the seeds contained inside the vanilla pod (to take them will be enough to carve it with the tip of a knife, in the direction of the length and extract them). Work well, until you get a homogeneous mixture, then form a ball with it, helping you, if necessary, with fine rice flour.
Put to rest in the fridge for about 1 hour covering the dough with film.
After the rest time, take the dough from the fridge and roll it out with a rolling pin on the floor slightly floured, until you bring the dough to the thickness of 1 cm; using a circular coppapasta or a glass, Cut the dough to obtain discs of equal size that you will leaven for about 1 hour. Knead the cuttings of pasta, roll them out again and use them to make other doughnuts.

Prepare the cream
Meanwhile, pour the milk into a saucepan and heat it for a few minutes on a low heat. Knead the egg yolks in a bowl with the sugar; add the starch and continue to work until you get a foamy mixture.
Pour the hot milk, stirring constantly with a whisk by hand and add the cinnamon and orange, mix well. Transfer the mixture again in the saucepan, put it on the heat and bring to a boil, then turn off the heat and transfer the cream into a low and wide pan; level the surface, cover with plastic wrap and let rest in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
At the end of the rest, transfer the cream into a bowl and, if it should be too compact or lumpy (for cooling), pass it with the blender in immersion for a few seconds.
Almost at the end of the indicated time, heat the oil in a large pan bringing it to 180 º C, then lower the flame and lay down 2/3 doughnuts at a time. Cook until golden brown, turning