Gluten-free millet bread

Gluten-free millet bread
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Time: 4 ore
Difficulty: Media

Ingredients for the chariot 
100 g Special mix Bread and pizza Molino dalla Giovanna
90g water 
1g fresh yeast
Ingredients for about 800 g of bread :
400 g Special mix Bread and pizza Molino dalla Giovanna
100 g brown millet flour 
200g of chariot 
450g water 
5 g fresh yeast 
30 g extra virgin olive oil 
10 g salt up 

Procedure for the chariot: 
Place the ingredients in a large bowl and work all the way up to obtain a smooth and creamy mixture. Cover with cooking film and let rise for about 24/48 hours at room temperature before using it or in frgigo. 

Temperature for the dough to use 14/18" C. 
Proceed for the millet bread:
Place the mix, the millet flour and the biga in a bowl, dissolve the yeast with the water in a second bowl and add to the flour. 
Amalgamate very slowly squeezing the dough with your hands, then add the oil and salt and work until you get a homogeneous consistency. 
Divide the dough into 2 equal parts, form strands, wet the surface of the dough and cover with film by placing the bread to rise on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
Let rise for 3 hours and 30 minutes until it has doubled its volume. 
Preheat in the oven to 230# when it will be temperature put to cook for about 50 minutes, however, lowering the temperature to 190 º.
Start cooking on the lower surface of the oven and gradually go up, moving the pan closer and closer to the resistance. Once baked, let the loaf of bread rest on a raised perforated grill.