Gluten-free short pastry with cocoa and melon cubes

Gluten-free short pastry with cocoa and melon cubes
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Time: 50 minuti
Difficulty: Facile

Ingredientes :

250 g mezcla especial para pasteles y galletas Molino della Giovanna
200 g de mantequilla
150 g de azúcar granulado
3 huevos
10 g de cacao amargo sin gluten
la cáscara de una naranja
Harina de arroz fina sin gluten para espolvorear

Para el relleno:
600 g de melón
100 g de mascarpone
90 g de azúcar granulado
6 g de gelatina en hojas permitida
2,5 dl de nata fresca
6 uvas

For the gasket:
200 g melon pulp

Pour into the bowl of the stand mixer the mix, the sugar, the butter and mix.
Add the cocoa, the eggs, the grated orange zest and complete the dough by mixing everything in a smooth dough.
Pour everything on the pastry board and knead the dough into buttered and floured cupcakes, covering the inner edges to make glasses, prick the pastry with the tines of a fork and place on a baking sheet to be baked at 180 º C for about 20 minutes.
At the end of cooking remove from the oven, let stand for 5 minutes to be removed from the mold.
Deprive the melon of the outer skin, the seeds and filaments inside, weigh 400 g of pulp and pass it to the mixer, blending it with care, then drain it into a sieve in a thick mesh, then arrange it in a bowl with mascarpone and 70 g of sugar, Mix the ingredients carefully.
Soak the gelatine in a small bowl with water for 5 minutes, then drain, squeeze well and melt in a bain-marie on fire. Then pour into the melon and mascarpone mixture, stir and let rest for 10 minutes in the refrigerator.
After this time, whip the cream with the electric whips in a bowl with the remaining sugar, until it becomes well firm, and add to the mixture of melon and mascarpone, incorporating it with gentle rotating movements of a spatula, from bottom to top.
Take back the biscuit glasses and distribute inside the cream and complete with the melon cut into cubes for the garnish, and place in each basket 1 grape washed.