Brioche bread without gluten

Brioche bread without gluten
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Time: 1 ora e 30 minuti
Difficulty: Facile

500 g Special gluten-free leavened pastries Molino dalla Giovanna 
150 g whole milk
150 g water  
2 yolks
1 whole egg
100 g butter room temperature
50 g sugar
15 g fresh yeast
2 g salt up

Insert the hook leaf to the stand mixer and pour into the container milk, water and yeast crumbled and mix 5 minutes all the ingredients, then pour the gluten-free mix, add the egg yolks and whole egg, sugar. When the dough has absorbed the eggs well, add the melted butter and salt. Work the dough well to obtain a homogeneous and well amalgamated mass, then pour it on a pastry board and divide it into two equal parts. Make two strands to weave, then place in the pan and let rise for 2 hours.
After the time of leavening, bake in the oven already hot for 170 students. for 1 hour.
Once cooked, bake and let cool for a couple of hours on a raised grill.