Gluten-free sandwiches with black bean flour and walnuts

Gluten-free sandwiches with black bean flour and walnuts
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Time: 2 ore e 30 minuti
Difficulty: Facile

These delicious gluten-free sandwiches are quick and easy to prepare. The soft crumb embraces the crunchiness of the nuts, greedy.

240 g Special mix for bread and pizza Molino Dalla Giovanna
30 g gluten-free black bean flour
12 g fresh yeast
180 g water
30 g extra virgin olive oil
20 kernels of coarse chopped walnuts
5 g salt up
Very fine rice flour
extra virgin olive oil

Difficulty level: easy
Duration: 2 hours and 30 minutes
In a bowl or planetary pour water and dissolve the yeast crumbled. Stir a few minutes and then add the mix and the bean flour, check the consistency of the dough and combine oil, nuts and salt up.
Create a stick and put it to rest for an hour covered with cooking film.
After the rising time, transfer the dough on a pastry floured with rice flour, divide into 6 parts and hands greased with little oil, create the sandwiches to be stored in a lollipop covered with parchment paper.
Let stand for 10 minutes, in the meantime turn on the oven to 210° to heat, bake and cook lowering to 90° for 20/25 minutes.
Bake the sandwiches and place them on a grill to cool before serving.