Gluten-free quinoa sandwiches with cherry tomatoes and basil

Gluten-free quinoa sandwiches with cherry tomatoes and basil
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Time: 20 minuti più riposo
Difficulty: Facile

The gluten-free sandwiches with cherry tomatoes and basil are original and delicious, but what makes the taste so delicious is quinoa. A seasoned bread ideal for aperitifs or as a snack.

Ingredients for 6 sandwiches
230 g prepared for Pane e Pizza Molino by Giovanna
70 g gluten-free quinoa flour 
240 g water
10 g fresh yeast
4 tomatoes
4 leaves of basil
10 g extra virgin olive oil
5 g salt up
Very fine corn flour without gluten

Difficulty : easy

Time : two hours and 16 minutes