Gluten-free noodles with squid ink with swordfish, pine nuts, capers and cherry tomatoes

Gluten-free noodles with squid ink with swordfish, pine nuts, capers and cherry tomatoes
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Time: 1 ora e 30 minuti più riposo
Difficulty: Facile

The egg noodles typical of Italian cuisine, the gluten-free recipe is enriched by a sea dressing: swordfish, pine nuts and squid ink. A perfect harmony to lick.

Ingredients for 4 people

300 g Special for fresh pasta Molino Dalla Giovanna
2 g guar gum
3 egg reds
2 whole eggs
1 sachet of sepia ink
20 g extra virgin olive oil
salt up
Very fine gluten-free rice flour for dusting  
For the sauce

400 g fresh swordfish
2 cloves of garlic
1 shallot
200 g capers in bloom
100 g of pine nuts
200 g cherry tomatoes
1 bunch of fresh basil
½ glass of dry white wine
Extra virgin olive oil
Salt up

Time: 1 hour and half more rest
Difficulty level: easy


Mix the mix and guar in a bowl and then add the eggs, egg yolks and cuttlefish ink.
Mix everything with salt and oil, work vigorously until you get a homogeneous mixture. Create a ball with it, cover with cooking film and let it rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
After the rest time take the fresh pasta from the fridge and roll out with the machine, bring to the thickness of about 2 mm and create noodles, dust with rice flour and put to dry on a cut about 1 hour.
Peel the garlic clove and shallot, chop finely with a knife and place on a pan with two tablespoons of oil. Let brown a few minutes on a low heat.
Cut the swordfish into cubes and when the bottom is well browned, pour it into the pan and cook a minute, blend with white wine and cover the pan with a lid, then cut the capers in half and add to the swordfish.
Meanwhile clean the tomatoes in water and then cut them in half, place aside in a bowl. Heat a non-stick pan after a few minutes add pine nuts and toast 20/30 seconds over high heat.
Put a pot with water over the heat and bring to a boil, salt and cook the noodles for a couple of minutes, then drain in the pan with the fish, mix well over a high heat and add the chopped tomatoes and pine nuts.
Spore in individual dishes, complete with a sprig of basil and a drizzle of olive oil.