Pastiera Napoletana gluten free

Pastiera Napoletana gluten free
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Time: 2 ore più riposo
Difficulty: Media

A traditional Neapolitan dessert with intense aromas and flavors, the gluten free version contains quinoa to replace wheat. A guduriosa recipe simple to make and serve.

Ingredients for the pastry
400 g Special mix for cakes and biscuits Molino della Giovanna
200 g of butter
150 g sugar
2 whole eggs
1 yolk
the peel of a grated orange
a pinch of baking soda
For the filling
300 g whole milk
200 g quinoa in kernels
125 g granulated sugar
For cream
5 egg yolks
135 g granulated sugar
60 g gluten-free tapioca starch  
420 g of milk
80 g fresh cream
For the filling
150 g sheep’s cheese
1 whole egg
1 egg yolk
100 g granulated sugar
1 flask of orange blossom
60 g candied orange
60 g sultanas

Time: 2 hours plus rest
Difficulty level: medium

Divide the butter into small pieces and pour into a bowl or planetary with hook K ( also called hook leaf), add the sugar and start to mix.
Pour the mix, the bicarbonate and the grated orange and mix well, then add the eggs and incorporate until you get a homogeneous and compact mixture. Create a ball with it, wrap it in cooking film and let it rest in the refrigerator for 40 minutes.
To prepare the filling, pour the milk into a saucepan, heat it over a moderate flame for a few minutes, then dip the quinoa and granulated sugar and cook, stirring occasionally, until the liquid has been absorbed. Then transfer the quinoa into a tightly knit strainer and allow to drain.
Meanwhile to prepare the cream, pour the milk and cream in a saucepan and heat everything, without reaching the boil. Work the egg yolks in a bowl with the granulated sugar until they are light and fluffy, then add the sifted tapioca and continue to work. Pour the mixture of milk and cream, continuing to mix with the whips to avoid lumps (if necessary, pass the cream obtained through a sieve with thick meshes). Transfer everything into the milk pot and cook for 5 minutes over a moderate heat, stirring constantly, until it appears creamy but dense. Transfer to a large bowl, cover with plastic wrap and leave to rest in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
In a bowl place the ricotta, the granulated sugar, the eggs shelled, the raisins, soaked in water and squeezed, the candied orange and the aroma, then mix all with a spatula. Add the cream and the quinoa well drained and mix well to obtain a homogeneous mixture, cover with plastic wrap and leave to rest in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
Take the pastry dough, remove the film and work quickly on the top with the palm of your hand, without heating it too much, with the rolling pin, proceed on the lightly floured surface to achieve the thickness of 3 mm and cover two moulds leaving aside a little dough. Line a cake tin with each disc and place the mixture inside.
With the dough kept aside, make a sheet to be cut with a festooned wheel of the strips to garnish the surface of the two pastiere. Bake in the hot oven at 170 º C for 1 hour. At the end, remove from the oven and leave to rest (the ideal would be to dry for a whole day, or after 4-5 hours), at this point cut and serve.