Genoese focaccia with potatoes and olives taggiasche

Genoese focaccia with potatoes and olives taggiasche
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Time: 20 minuti più riposo
Difficulty: Facile

The recipe of a Genoese focaccia seasoned with potatoes and olives taggiasche, ideal for snacks or as a substitute for bread. A tasty aperitif? here is the recipe

Ingredients per 1 kg of focaccia

500 g gluten-free special preparation for bread and pizza Molino Dallagiovanna  
390 g water at room temperature
30 g fresh yeast 
100 g EVO oil  
10 g of salt up 
EVO oil to brush

For the filling:
3 yellow potatoes
2 sprigs of rosemary
70 g Taggiasche olives 
1 sprig of rosemary
Time: 20 minutes plus cooking                                                                                                                                                     
Difficulty level: easy 

Place the mix in a large bowl or planetary and mix, apart from dissolve the yeast in a bowl with water, add to the mix and mix vigorously to obtain a smooth dough, then add the oil and salt and mix to a homogeneous and compact appearance.
Transfer the dough into a large rectangular leccarda lined with parchment paper and let stand for about 1 hour.
Meanwhile peel the potatoes, wash and slice thinly, place in a bowl and add a little oil and chopped rosemary.
After the rising time, brush the surface of the dough with water and imprimetevi fingertips, creating holes, cover with slices of potato, place in the center the olives rinsed under running water, and complete with the remaining oil and rosemary.
Bake in the oven at 190 º C for about 35 minutes, at the end, remove the focaccia and brush with a little oil, put on a raised perforated grill to cool before cutting.