Mafalda gluten-free with sesame seeds

Mafalda gluten-free with sesame seeds
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Time: preparazione 40 minuti, per la lievitazione 3 ore circa, per la cottura 40 minuti
Difficulty: media

Ingredients for 1Kg of bread:
500g of Nutrifree Bread Mix gluten free
260g of chaff - 8g of fresh brewer's yeast - 400g of water at room temperature
30 g of EVO oil
8 g ​​of salt up sesame seeds
2 beaten eggs


Pour the gluten-free mix, the chariot and the crumbled yeast in a bowl, add the water to the flours at a time. Knead until smooth and homogeneous to form the oil and salt before forming a ball. Wet the surface with the inside of the hand and cover the terrine with a kitchen film. Brush the surface with the egg and sprinkle with the sesame seeds.Let rise for 35 minutes.

Put in the preheated oven at 200 ° C for 10 minutes and then again at 180 ° C for about 30 minutes. After cooking time, remove the "mafalde" from the oven , let them cool on a raised pierced bream before tasting them.