Cornetti di pane dolce con uvetta sultanina e zucchero di canna

Cornetti di pane dolce con uvetta sultanina e zucchero di canna
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Time: 1 ora e 40 minuti
Difficulty: Media

Ingredients per 1 kg of bread
500 g gluten-free special preparation for bread and pizza Molino Dalla Giovanna
170 g of poolish
350 g water at room temperature
80 g gluten-free sultanas previously soaked
50 g of forest honey
25 g fresh yeast
50 g melted butter

For the poolish:
100 g Mix Grandi Lievitati Molino della Giovanna
130 g of water
8 g fresh yeast
For the gilding
50 g of honey
50 g of cane sugar

Time: 40 minutes                                                                                                                  
for leavening 1 hour                                                           
Difficulty level: medium

First, prepare the poolish: in a bowl pour 100 g of mix, add the yeast in the water and mix well, knead by hand directly in the bowl.
The dough will be smooth and creamy, let rise in the container covered with film for 4/8 hours in the fridge.
When the poolish is ready, place the flour in a bowl or planetarium together with the poolish, the honey and squeezed raisins.
Mix vigorously all the ingredients, add to the mix the water in which we previously dissolved yeast, continue to knead for a few minutes before adding the melted butter and salt.
Then work until you get a homogeneous mixture, then take the dough and roll out with a rolling pin on a pastry board. Form triangles, brush the tip with water and wrap from the base towards the tip until it forms a croissant. Place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and let rise for about 1 hour.
After this time, heat the remaining honey in a saucepan for a few seconds, brush with it the surface of the croissants and sprinkle with a little brown sugar.   Bake in a preheated oven for about 20-25 minutes at 200 º C.
After the cooking time, when they are golden outside and completely dry inside, take out the croissants and leave to rest on a raised perforated grill for at least half an hour before serving.