Marco Scaglione
My professional biography and my story are linked together they kept strong by a strap which is called passion. I'm lucky: I like my job, I enjoy it and it fills me with satisfaction.
It was born a new collaboration between Marco Scaglione and Aksum. Click on the logo and visit their site.
Time: 1 ora più riposo
Difficulty: Media
Una hojaldre de avellanas para hacer esta tarta con crema de jengibre y fruta fresca. Una de las muchas variaciones simples y rápidas para lograr dulces genuinos y deliciosos.
Ingredientes para 4 personas
270 g Especial para tortas y galletas Molino de la Juana
30 g de harina de avellanas sin gluten
220 g de mantequilla
220 g de azúcar granulado
5 huevos
la corteza rallada de una naranja no tratada
una pizca de sal
Para la crema de jengibre:
380 g de leche entera fresca
120 g de nata fresca
6 yemas
160 g de azúcar granulado
45 g de harina de arroz impalpable sin gluten
6 g de jengibre en polvo
For the Fruit:
6 apricots
5 strawberries
1 kiwi
3 black grapes
For the syrup
300 g water
160 g sugar
20 g glucose
Time: 1 hour more rest
Difficulty level: Medium
Place the mixture and the hazelnut flour in a fountain on the work surface or in a planetarium, put in the center the sugar, eggs, butter, and the grated zest of an orange and mix well, gradually incorporating the flour. Knead gently to obtain a homogeneous mixture and let rest for about 3 hours in the fridge.
Meanwhile prepare the cream, heating the milk and cream and ginger in a saucepan (without boiling). Work the egg yolks with the sugar in a bowl, beating vigorously the mixture with the electric whisk until it becomes clear and foamy.
Add the rice flour and continue to work. Gently pour the milk, continuing to mix with the whips to avoid lumps (if necessary, pass the cream obtained with a sieve in thick mesh). Transfer everything into the milk pan stirring constantly, until the cream appears creamy but dense. Then place in a large bowl and stir until it has cooled, then cover with plastic wrap and rest in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
Take the pastry and work it quickly on the top with the palm of your hand, without heating it too much.
Roll out with a rolling pin on the lightly floured surface at a thickness of 3 mm, using a circular cookie cutter, cut out discs of short pastry and line with these molds of buttered tart and flour and pierce the bottom with the tines of a fork. Bake the short pastry shells in the hot oven at 170 º C for about 20 minutes, then bake and let cool for about 1 hour.
Meanwhile to prepare the syrup, pour all the ingredients into a saucepan and boil until the mixture is well thick and creamy.
Put everything to cool in a boulle for about 30 minutes.
Resume the cream and beat vigorously with a whip by hand, then distribute it in pastry shells with a sac a poche with striped tip, slice the fruit and place on each tart, Brush with the syrup to polish everything and refrigerate 10 minutes before serving.