Gluten-free swivels with dates and bacon

Gluten-free swivels with dates and bacon
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Time: 20 minuti più riposo
Difficulty: Facile

Recipe for bread rolls with dates and bacon, a combination of delicious ingredients! Try to believe how simple and fast this preparation is also suitable as a snack.

Ingredients per 1 kg of bread
450 g special preparation for Bread and Pizza Molino dallagiovanna
70 g gluten-free dates cut into cubes
75 g gluten-free sweet bacon in cubes
350 g of water
20 g fresh yeast
5 g of sugar
30 g EVO oil  

Time: 20 minutes plus cooking
Difficulty level: easy

Place the mix in a bowl or planetarium, add the bacon and dates, dissolve the yeast in a second bowl with water and add to the flour.
Mix thoroughly by squeezing the dough with your hands, then add the oil and salt and work until you get a homogeneous consistency.
For leavening, transfer the dough into a bowl, wet the surface and cover with film.
Let rise for 1 hour and 30 minutes until it has doubled its volume.   At this point, divide the dough into blocks of about 80 g each, form snakes and roll on themselves to form a swivel, place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and rise again for another 35-40 minutes.