Gluten-free soft danube with cooked ham and fontina

Gluten-free soft danube with cooked ham and fontina
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Time: 1 ora e 30 minuti più riposo
Difficulty: Facile

The Danube recipe is often used for catering, parties and outings. My gluten-free recipe helps you to make a soft dough and a simple filling suitable for everyone, of course you can vary to create more special fillings.

Ingredients for 6 people            
250 g mix of leavened pastries Molino dalla Giovanna
150 g water
1 whole egg
40 g extra virgin olive oil
30 g sugar
14 g fresh yeast
For the filling
250 g gluten-free cooked ham
200 g fontina  
1 egg
50 ml milk

Time: 1 hour and 30 minutes plus rest
Difficulty: Easy
Place the milk in a small bowl and dissolve the yeast inside, then in a bowl or planetary, pour the mix and add the milk mixture. 
Begin the alacorare, then add the egg and knead vigorously again, finally add the oil and salt.
Continue to work the mass until it has absorbed the liquids, then transfer on a work shelf and knead until you get a soft and homogeneous dough that can give a spherical shape.
Place in the bowl, cover with cling film and let rise for 1 hour in the oven off with the light on. Meanwhile, prepare the filling: cut the fontina cheese and ham into cubes and set aside.
After the time necessary, the dough will have doubled its volume, at this point take it out of the bowl and divide it into pieces all of the same weight with the help of a scale. Roll out each piece of dough using a rolling pin and fill the discs obtained alternately with cubes of provola and cubes of cooked ham. Once stuffed the discs of dough, close carefully giving the shape of a ball.
Line a cake tin with a diameter of 22 cm with baking paper and place the balls with the closure facing down and arrange them radially along the entire perimeter and towards the center until you fill the entire mold.
At this point beat an egg with a little milk and brush the surface of the salted danube, so that it is polished once cooked. Let rise for about an hour covered with cling film.
Then bake the salted danube in preheated static oven to 180 i. for 30-35/40 minutes.
Once cooked, bake to cool and serve.