Marco Scaglione
My professional biography and my story are linked together they kept strong by a strap which is called passion. I'm lucky: I like my job, I enjoy it and it fills me with satisfaction.
It was born a new collaboration between Marco Scaglione and Aksum. Click on the logo and visit their site.
Time: 1 ora e 30 minuti
Difficulty: Facile
A fresh dish also suitable for buffets and aperitifs, octopus brings taste of the sea and tomatoes and basil bring back to summer.
Ingredients for 6 people:
375 g gluten-free corn couscous
500 g octopus
150 g courgette
15 cherry tomatoes
1 coast of celery
1 carrot
2 shallots
1 tablespoon of white vinegar
1 dl dry white wine
5 leaves of basil
extra virgin olive oil
salt up
black pepper in grains
2 cloves
Preparation time: 1 hour and 30 minutes
Difficulty : easy
Clean the octopus, removing the central beak and the entrails contained in the bag, wash carefully and dab with a kitchen towel.
Clean celery, carrot and shallots, divide into pieces and put in a pot with water, 3-4 grains of pepper and cloves, add vinegar and white wine and bring to the boil. At this point, add the octopus and cook for 45 minutes, at the end, turn off the heat and let the octopus rest in the broth for 15 minutes.
Trim the zucchini, wash and cook in boiling water for 10 minutes, then drain with a skimming ladle and transfer into a bowl with water and ice.
Wash the tomatoes and cut into 4 segments and set aside.
Distribute the couscous in a pan and sprinkle with 375 g of boiling water slightly salted; do this by mixing the couscous with a fork in order to shell it, then let it rest for 15-20 minutes.
In the meantime, cut the octopus and zucchini into small pieces and dress them in a large bowl with a drizzle of oil and a pinch of salt, the tomatoes, then also add the couscous and mix carefully. Complete with other raw oil and basil leaves, previously washed and dried, and serve.