Fresh beet noodles with bacon, Pecorino fondue and pistachios

Fresh beet noodles with bacon, Pecorino fondue and pistachios
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Time: 40 minuti
Difficulty: Facile

Beet noodles with bacon, fondue of pecorino cheese and pistachios

A colorful first course that immediately satisfies the eyes of diners who can only confirm the taste. The secret of this recipe is red beetroot, a tuber that helps us to magically color the classic fresh egg pasta in tagliatella format.

Red beet is a tuber also known as red turnip or red carrot and you can buy it fresh on the market benches only during the autumn period, but it is also available throughout the year precooked in the supermarket counter. Its red-purple color is due to the presence of betalaine with significant antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities, also a natural ally to preserve eyesight and maintain good cardiovascular health.
Beetroot is rich in mineral salts, vitamins and trace elements thanks to which it acts against tiredness and lack of appetite.
Thanks to the presence of microelements that revitalize red blood cells, rebalances iron levels in the blood countering anemia, also keeps healthy the cardiovascular system: it contains folic acid and betaine that, Together, they have the property of strengthening the capillary vessels.

Historical outline of the project:
Native to North Africa where it was already present in 420 BC, with the name of beta. As time passed, this tuber began to expand through Spain and France, thanks to the cultivation in the monasteries and later the peasants. In the 15th century the beet arrived in Europe, where, initially, only the leaves were consumed. Only later, in fact, did the root begin to be consumed. According to some studies, it seems that the origin of the red turnips dates back to 2000 BC, given the presence of some archaeological finds that attest it.

From beets is extracted a totally natural dye that is normally used in the food industry but also for the traditional dyeing of fabrics.
If you should also dye your hands, just rub a lemon to remove the red that leaves the vegetable.
Not recommended to those who suffer from gastritis, as it increases the production of gastric juices, to those who have problems with kidney stones because rich in oxalates and diabetics because, especially cooked, beet contains sugar.

Ingredients for 4 people

300 g Special for fresh pasta Molino dalla Giovanna
3 whole eggs
1 egg yolk
35-40 g extra virgin olive oil
50 g precooked beet juice
very fine gluten-free rice flour
2 thick slices of smoked bacon
200 ml fresh cream
80 gr grated pecorino cheese
Grains of pistachios 
It goes up as it is.

Time: 45 minutes
Difficulty level: easy

Procedure for the noodles

Place the dough mix in a planetarium, or in a large bowl together with the eggs and the yolk and begin to knead. After a couple of minutes add also beet juice, oil.
Work well until a fairly compact block is produced.
At the end, bring everything on a pastry board and create a ball with the dough, let rest for 30 minutes in the fridge.
Take again the dough and with the appropriate toothpick 2mm thick sheets, roll up the same and cut with a knife with a smooth blade, get the wide slices 5mm (differently cut the dough with the special machine, montandoil for noodles).
Transfer the dough a tray sprinkled with risoelasciare dry for 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, cut the bacon into strips and put in a non-stick saucepan without added oil, brown well by melting the natural fat and set aside in a plate. Add the cream and pecorino cheese to the pan just used and melt completely over a low heat, stirring until you have a cream.
In the meantime, cook the tagliatelle in abundant salted water brought to a boil. Drain the pasta very al dente and sauté in a pan with beetroot juice.
Serve by placing a base of fondue and over a nest of noodles, add the bacon and the pistachio.