Fresh noodles with fennel, asparagus and taggiasche olives

Fresh noodles with fennel, asparagus and taggiasche olives
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Time: 1 ora e 30 minuti più riposo
Difficulty: Facile

These noodles are a genuine dish made with fresh ingredients such as finfeli.  Very common and easy to identify because of the intense yellow color, these mushrooms are a beloved variety because they are excellent in the kitchen, in a myriad of recipes. Depending on the area of Italy they may be called differently: Gallinaccio, Galluccio, Galletto, Finferlo, but the scientific name for identifying it is Cantharellus cibarius.


The cockerels are very common, they are found in the woods at different latitudes, especially in summer and autumn after the abundant rain, growing under the leaves and among the moss, grouped in a circle.
Among the most known properties there is an important influence on the immune system, in fact chanterelles are rich in vitamin C, the main ally of the immune system that stimulates the action of white blood cells against the aggression of external agents.
Thanks to a good supply of B vitamins, these fungi are ideal for fighting muscle fatigue, cramps and lactic acid and stimulate brain functions.
The skin is affected by vitamin D2 and vitamin E, consuming chanterelles helps to limit the action of free radicals. The result is a softer, velvety and less wrinkled skin, as well as perfectly healthy nails and hair;
Mineral salts such as magnesium, potassium and phosphorus are essential elements to always feel full of energy and to remove fatigue, both physical and mental.

Historical notes 
One of the most popular mushrooms of all time for the ease with which it is found in the woods and the variety of recipes that can be made. They need a rather long cooking, which allows to better appreciate the flavor and texture. They can also be frozen after a light sunburn and are also very tasty preserved (in oil and vinegar), as well as fried and dried.  Chanterelles are also among the few varieties of mushrooms also consumed in northern European countries.

It can be mistaken with the Clitorybe olearia, the mushroom of the olive tree, a poisonous variety which, however, grows only on the stumps of these trees, of oaks and broad-leaved trees, and not on the ground. It can also be mistaken with the so-called false hen, the Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca, which is, on the contrary, edible, but unlike the chanterelle has a brown-blackish stem.

Ingredients for 4 people
300 g Special mix of fresh pasta Molino della Giovanna 
3 egg reds
2 whole eggs 
20 g extra virgin olive oil
5 g salt up
Very fine rice flour for gluten-free dusting

For the sauce
350 g fresh fennel
200 g asparagus
2 cloves of garlic
½ golden onion
½ glass of white wine
50 g Taggiasche olives
Extra virgin olive oil
Salt up
3 g red pepper fillets

Time: 1 hour and half more rest
Difficulty level: easy


Mix in a bowl the mix, the eggs, the egg yolks and mix all with the salt and oil, work vigorously until you get a homogeneous mixture. Create a ball with it, cover it with cooking film and let it rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
After the rest time take the fresh pasta from the fridge and roll it out with the machine, bring it to the thickness of about 2 mm and create noodles, dust with rice flour and put to dry on a cut about 1 hour.
Peel the clove of garlic and shallot and finely chop everything with a knife on a chopping board, put on a pan with two tablespoons of oil and let brown a few minutes on a low heat.
Clean the mushrooms well and slice them lengthwise thin, remove the harder stalk from the asparagus and cut into rounds, add everything to the bottom of onion and garlic and sauté over low heat.
Blend with white wine and let it evaporate, season with salt, add a pinch of pepper and complete the sauce with olives taggiasche. 
Put a pot with water over the heat and bring to a boil, salt and cook the noodles, cook for a couple of minutes and drain in the pan with the mushrooms, mix well over high heat.
Sporzionate noodles in individual dishes and complete with a tuft of chili fillets.