Marco Scaglione
My professional biography and my story are linked together they kept strong by a strap which is called passion. I'm lucky: I like my job, I enjoy it and it fills me with satisfaction.
It was born a new collaboration between Marco Scaglione and Aksum. Click on the logo and visit their site.
Time: 40 minuti + tempo di riposo
Difficulty: media
Ingredients for 1 kg of bread:
400 g of bread mix Nutrifree gluten free
100 g buckwheat flour Nutrifree
400 g of water
18 g fresh brewer's yeast
20 g sunflower seeds
50 cubed bacon
10 g of salt up to 30 g of extra virgin olive oil
4 tablespoons of sesame seeds
Pour the gluten-free mix in a bowl with the water and the previously dissolved beer yeast, add the seeds and the bacon, knead it all together to form a smooth and well-mixed dough, then add the oil and salt and to form a ball.Bonate the surface with the palm of the hand and cover the bowl with film dacucina.
Leave to rise for 1 hour and 45 minutes, then resume thedough and put it on a well floured cutting board; roll it out with a rolling pin and fold the outer edges inside, obtaining three layers of dough (peeling). Divide the dough into many small 50g giblets and arrange the shapes obtained on a pan lined with daffodil paper.
Leave to rise for about 45 minutes then bake in the hot oven at 230 ° C for about 20 minutes. When the cooking time has elapsed, remove from oven and leave to cool on a baking pan for about 30 minutes before cutting horizontally in half.
Notes: you can replace the sourdough with 20 g of brewer's yeast and complete with the classic 1 and 30 minutes.