Orange lasagna petals with eggplant, shrimp and béchamel sauce

Orange lasagna petals with eggplant, shrimp and béchamel sauce
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Time: 1 ora più riposo
Difficulty: Facile

A first course that brings to the table the colors of summer! green, orange and the taste of shrimps in the thin pumpkin dough.
An ingredient rich in properties and taste.

Pumpkin is a vegetable low in calories, but rich in nutrients and health benefits.
It boosts the immune system and heart health, is rich in antioxidants, which lower the risk of chronic diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.
The immune system benefits from consumption because it provides vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and folate.
Historical background:
The most ancient testimonies come from Mexico, where pumpkin seeds were found dating back to 7000/6000 BC, and from Peru where the traces date back to 11,000-13,000 B.C. The pumpkin, which today we find on our table was born in the Americas
In addition to the classic pumpkin we are used to consume, an excellent ingredient are the pumpkin sprouts source of vitamin E, carotenes and pro-vitamin A; minerals such as zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, iron and phosphorus. To all this are added tocopherols (especially alpha-tocopherol), various pectins, oils and oleic and linoleic acids, cucurbitin, fair amounts of ascorbic acid.

Ingredients for 6 people
300 g special prepared for fresh pasta Molino Dalla Giovanna
3 eggs
1 egg yolk
40 g pumpkin puree
For the béchamel sauce
15 g butter
15 g fine rice flour allowed
250 ml milk
2 g of salt
For the filling
½ aubergine purple
3 zucchini
20 g chopped shallot
18 cc white wine
800 g shelled shrimp tails
Extra virgin olive oil
Salt up
Ground black pepper


To make the fresh pasta, put the mix in a bowl, add the pumpkin, the yolks and begin to knead, when the mixture has absorbed all the yolks add water and oil. Form a smooth and homogeneous ball, and put to rest in the refrigerator covered for about 20 minutes.
Meanwhile, prepare the filling: Peel the eggplant, slice it 7 mm thick and cut into regular cubes; heat a pan with two tablespoons of oil, add the eggplant and sauté for a couple of minutes. Season with salt and pepper and place in a bowl lined with paper towels. Heat a non-stick pan with a tablespoon of oil and add the bottom of chopped shallots, sauté a few seconds over high heat and add the shrimp tails, sauté a few minutes and blend with the wine, then add them to the previously prepared eggplants and give a stir.
Remove from the courgette the green part excluding the internal pulp cut into very small cubes and immerse in boiling water for about 15 seconds, drain and season with oil and salt.
To prepare the béchamel sauce, in a saucepan pour the milk, salt and nutmeg to heat.
Put the butter in another pan to melt over low heat, then add the flour at once, stirring vigorously with a whisk by hand to avoid lumps, until you get a golden mixture, the roux. At this point dilute the roux pouring inside a little warm milk at a time. Continue mixing over low heat until you reach an average density, it will take about 6 minutes.
Take the fresh pasta and roll it out to the thickness of about 2 mm, with a festooned coppapasta form discs and scald in water to a boil for about 2/3 minutes, drain the dough and put aside.
Line a baking tray with parchment paper, take the festooned coppapasta and put a disk of fresh pasta inside, fill with the eggplant filling and a tablespoon of béchamel, add another disc and close to form the third layer. Remove the coppapasta and place in a steam oven at 80 ºC for about 8/10 minutes.
Remove the open lasagna from the oven, add two tablespoons of seasoned zucchini, close the dish with drops of béchamel.