Pancakes with coconut flour

Pancakes with coconut flour
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Time: 45 minuti
Difficulty: Facile

As a delicious breakfast or a rich snack, I propose pancakes with coconut. Absolutely to try!
Coconut is a source of minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, magnesium and iron. Vitamins are folate, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin B3
Coconut helps maintain gastrointestinal balance. The fibers contained in it reduce the risk of hemorrhoids, also lower blood pressure and strengthen the immune system. It supports the immune system.  It works as an antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic.
Historical background
Coconut is believed to originate from Southeast Asia, the islands of Melanesia in the Pacific Ocean. Today it is grown in several tropical countries. The coconut palm can reach a height of 30 meters
It is also called tree of life, since all its parts can be exploited: in addition to the pulp also water, milk, oil, shell and leaves. You can indulge in fantasy both at home with the decor, and in your free time with the decorations.

Ingredients for 4 people
For the batter:
180 g of coconut milk
4 whole eggs
90 g sugar
270 g gluten-free and lactose-free mix for Molino dalla Giovanna waffles, crepes & pancakes
30 g of coconut flour
16 g gluten-free baking powder
50 g sunflower seed oil
1 g of cinnamon powder
To decorate:
6 Strawberries
gluten-free vanilla powdered sugar


Shell the eggs in a bowl or bowl, whisk for two minutes, then pour oil and milk. Add the sugar, yeast and cinnamon, once incorporated, continue with the flours. Beat until it turns out a smooth batter.
Heat a pan over low heat, grease the base with a little oil of seeds and dry with a paper cloth, pour a ladle of preparation in the center of the pan, there will be no need to spread it.
When bubbles begin to appear on the surface and the base will be golden, turn it on the other side with a spatula, then brown the other side, after which the pancake will be ready.
Place on a plate and sprinkle with icing sugar, decorate with a sliced strawberry and serve.