Crispy pizza with zucchini and bresaola

Crispy pizza with zucchini and bresaola
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Time: 1 ora più riposo
Difficulty: Media

Italian pizza lovers and as far as we can have different tastes, we certainly bring the record for taste and tradition.
There is a decalogue written by the association true Neapolitan pizza in which they express essential steps to define PIZZA a dough. Such as ingredients, processing, proofing, cooking, appearance, aroma and taste!
historical notes:
we could start from the ancestor of pizza: the Greek "pint", a bread with a crushed shape.
This arrives in Rome, with Magna Grecia and becomes "pinsa", from the Latin verb "pinsere", to pull.
It spreads throughout Italy and since the '600 there are traces of the simple dough of flour and water, but to see the pizza tinged with red we have to wait for the discovery of America, which will bring in Italy the tomato.
Thanks to this discovery, and to the inventiveness of the Italians, we can read the first real recipe of pizza in the treatise: "Il cuoco galante" by Vincenzo Corrado.
Writer, philosopher, but above all cook, who tells the culinary traditions of the Neapolitan noble courts between '700 and '800. Here you have the addition of tomato on the pizza.
Neapolitan pizza is the only one recognized at European level as TSG, or Territorial Speciality Guaranteed

Ingredients for 1 kg of dough
500kg Special Bread and Pizza Molino dalla Giovanna 
3 g fresh yeast
5 g sugar
440 g water
30 g extra virgin olive oil
5 g of salt
Gluten-free rice and corn flour

For seasoning
250g mozzarella cut into julienne of the type allowed
30g grated parmesan cheese
50 g pitted taggiasche olives
50 g cherry tomatoes
2 zucchini sliced very thin
200 g bresaola
4 g extra virgin olive oil
4 g salt to taste
Method: Direct
Cooking: Static


Arrange the mix and mix everything well with the help of a whisk, create a hole.
Dissolve the yeast in the water together with the sugar and pour it into the mix, work until completely dissolved and completely absorbed, until you get a smooth dough; then add the oil and salt and mix well, bringing the dough to a homogeneous and compact appearance.
Put to rest the dough by dividing it in about 280 g of dough, cover it with plastic wrap and refrigerate to rise for about 8 hours.
After the resting time has elapsed, preheat the oven, if possible, to a refractory temperature of 250 ºC 30 minutes before firing with a refractory stone.
Spread the pizza on a cutting board with the help of corn flour and rice, season with mozzarella, sprinkle with a tablespoon of parmesan. Arrange the zucchini on the surface of the pasta, making a crown that encloses the edge, then arrange the cherry tomatoes cut in half and the olives.
Cook the pizza on the stone for about 10 minutes. Remove from the oven and add a slice of bresaola forming a small bud in the center of the pizza, serve with a little oil.