Marco Scaglione
My professional biography and my story are linked together they kept strong by a strap which is called passion. I'm lucky: I like my job, I enjoy it and it fills me with satisfaction.
It was born a new collaboration between Marco Scaglione and Aksum. Click on the logo and visit their site.
Time: 1 ora
Difficulty: Facile
One of the most flavored cakes is definitely the orange, excellent alone, or in the delicious verisone that I propose, with chocolate ganache and eggnog cream.
Orange is a citrus used for lack of appetite and high intake of vitamins. Promotes digestion, relieves stomach pain, ensures a calming effect against anxiety and stress.
With low calorie impact, they are ideal for diets, have a high amount of ascorbic acid. In case of capillary fragility, they are of great help.
Historical background:
The sweet orange is native to China but, in all probability, was already known at the time of the Ancient Romans in the first century A.D. It was introduced in the Iberian Peninsula only in 1300. It is said that the Arabs brought oranges to Sicilian territory in the distant ninth century AD: in Sicily, the orange was called melarancia, while in literature it assumed the name of Portugal until 1800
Nothing is thrown away from orange, in fact, in the cosmetic field, the unusual perfumer uses the essence for shampoo and body wash, while from the leaves a diuretic decoction is obtained, but also to relieve cough.
On the other hand, dried flowers produce remedies for mild insomnia.
Ingredients for the cake:
275 g mix special cakes and cookies Molino dalla Giovanna
150 g white yogurt
120 g sunflower seed oil
2 whole eggs
60 g fresh milk
160 g granulated sugar
16 g gluten-free baking powder
20 g of orange juice
The rind of a grated orange
For the chocolate ganache:
80 g dark chocolate 75%
65 g fresh cream
For the eggnog sauce:
4 yolks
80 g sugar
40 g marsala
To decorate:
Orange jam
In a bowl beat the eggs with the sugar, add the oil and continue whipping, then continue with the juice and grated rind. Add the milk, yogurt and finally the flour with the yeast. After mixing the ingredients well, butter and lightly flour a hinged mold, or line with baking paper.
Pour the dough into the mold and bake in a preheated oven, at 180 º C for about 45 minutes, remove from the oven and let the cake cool.
Meanwhile, put a pan on the fire with water and bring to the boil, in a separate bowl (or in a pan slightly smaller than that used to boil water) put the yolks, sugar and beat lightly with a whisk by hand. Add also the marsala, pouring flush, always stirring. When it is mixed, transfer the bowl into the pan with boiling water as if to make a double boiler. Continue to whisk for 10-15 minutes until the mixture thickens.
Once you have obtained a clear and foamy mixture, move the bowl inside a larger bowl, filled with water and ice. This will stop cooking, mix and then place the cream in the fridge.
Melt the chocolate in the microwave (or in a double boiler), heat the cream and once it has touched the boil pour it directly into the bowl with the chocolate. Mix everything slowly, until the chocolate melts completely and get a smooth cream.
Once cooled the cake, cut it into slices, soak two at a time in chocolate and lay them on a saucer already sprinkled with eggnog cream, finish with a teaspoon of orange jam and serve.