Sesame salmon tartare gluten-free and dill

Sesame salmon tartare gluten-free and dill
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Ingredients for 6 people:
For the tartare:
750 g of fresh salmon slices
1 bunch of dill fresh ginger
ground black pepper
black salt
sesame seeds New Earth

For bread:
250 g of preparation for bread, pizza and Coop desserts gluten free
200 g of water
8 g of pickled capers
4 fillets of anchovies in oil - 6.5 g fresh brewer's yeast - 25 g extra-virgin olive oil
1 g of sodium bicarbonate for food use
Paté of black truffle (Savini Tartufi)


Rinse the capers under therunning water and chop finely with anchovies, drained from preservation oil. Place the gluten-free Coop preparation and the bicarbonate in a bowl and mix with the hands to oxygenate the ingredients; in a second bowl, dissolve the yeast in the water, stirring with a steel whisk, then add the liquid to the gluten-free bread preparation and incorporate it.

Work with your hands, then add the mixture of anchovies and capers, and mix carefully. Obtained a homogeneous mixture, add the oil and work quickly to complete the dough; mold it into a thin layer on a lightly floured surface. Lay it on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and leave to rise for 1 hour and 30 minutes, then bake in the hot oven at 180-200 ° C for about 1 hour and 20 minutes.Remove from the oven and leave for 2 hours.

Almost at the end of the rest, prepare the tartare:
Deprive the salmon of the skin, spine and bones; pass it under running water, dab it with absorbent kitchen paper, then chop it with a heavy knife, until obtaining a consistency suitable for tartare. Season it in a bowl with a pinch of salt and pepper, a grated ginger and the coarsely chopped and washed dill; mix everything with a spoon and let stand for 5 minutes at room temperature.

Slice the bread thinly and place it in a pastry tray placed in individual dishes; forming a base of bread, cutting it to create a complete and uniform layer, then lay the tartare on it,pressing lightly with a spoon to compact it. Remove the coppapasta, sprinkle with the sesame seeds and complete in the center with a teaspoon of truffle paté; garnish, to taste, with dill and serve.