Orecchiette with mixed mushrooms, jackdaws and cheek

Orecchiette with mixed mushrooms, jackdaws and cheek
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Time: 1 ora e 30 minuti
Difficulty: Media

First course rich in taste and color! Handmade orecchiette have a porosity that allows you to wrap the sauce and give poetry to the palate.
The taste of the jackdaws, will make everything harmonious.
The jackdaws belong to the pea family and are also called plates or peas Mangiatutto precisely because the pod is also consumed.
They have proteins in good quantities,  they are a good source of B vitamins, vitamin A, C and E, as well as mineral salts such as phosphorus, potassium and iron. They are rich in soluble fibers, useful to limit the absorption of fats and simple sugars, and insoluble type, to regulate intestinal function. The calorie content is very low, so you can safely enter into a low-calorie diet.
Historical background:
The jackdaws are the result of annual herbaceous plants originating in the Mediterranean and the Near East of which there are numerous varieties, the most widespread have a wide and very flat shape, light green in color, and a length of about 10 cm and are collected mainly between April and June.
There are two varieties: Pisum sativum var saccharatum, which has a flat pod and poorly developed seeds, and Pisum sativum var macrocarpon which has a round pod and well-formed seeds (more like peas).
Ingredients for 4 people
300 g Special for fresh pasta Molino Dalla Giovanna
180 g water
20 g extra virgin olive oil
salt up
fine rice flour allowed for dusting
For seasoning
500 g mixed mushrooms
2 chopped shallots
200 g cherry tomatoes
250 g jackdaws
150 g pillow
1 glass of still white wine
1 bunch of parsley
Extra virgin olive oil
Salt up
Ground black pepper


Process to prepare the dough
Place the flour in a bowl or in a mixer, add the water, incorporating it gradually. Add a pinch of salt and oil, knead vigorously to obtain a smooth and compact mixture.
Create a ball with the dough, then take some parts and shape them into rolls of 5 mm diameter; cut them into 3-5 mm long pieces and with the pressure of the thumb, slide them on the floured surface, then lay them on the thumb and turn them over like a hat. Leave them on a floured tray for 2 hours to dry.
Procedure for the preparation of the sauce
Meanwhile, wash the jackdaws well and remove with a knife the two ends, put a pot with water and bring to a boil, then cook them for 15/20 minutes.
After cooking, drain the vegetables and set aside in a bowl.
Prepare the mushrooms by putting the shallot in a pan with three tablespoons of oil, sauté over low heat for a few minutes and add the mushrooms.
After a few minutes, blend with the wine over high heat, add the chopped jackdaws, complete the sauce with the chopped tomatoes 4.  Mix well with a ladle and add salt and pepper.
Take the pillow and cut into thin strips, heat a non-stick pan and cook the pillow a few minutes, remove the pillow from the pan and let it drain on absorbent frying paper, to eliminate excess fat.
Put a pot with water on the fire, bring to a boil and cook the orecchiette for about 8 minutes, season with salt and drain.
Pour the pasta directly into the sauce prepared previously. Return to the heat and allow to mix for a few minutes, serve in individual plates.