Rice crackers with lemon robiola and smoked salmon

Rice crackers with lemon robiola and smoked salmon
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Time: 30 minuti
Difficulty: Facile

Quick and fresh aperitif to give a delicious life to the light rice crackers.
I chose fresh cheese like robiola that goes very well with the taste of salmon, try to believe.
Characteristics :
Robiola is a soft and fresh cheese, easy to spread. It’s made from different kinds of milk that then differentiate it in taste: cow’s milk, sheep’s milk, goat’s milk or mixed milk.
It contains mostly saturated fatty acids, high biological value peptides such as essential amino acids and simple carbohydrates. In robiola there are vitamins in nonresidual amounts, such as B2 or riboflavin and vitamin A or retinol. Calcium, phosphorus and sodium are the main mineral salts present in robiola.
Historical notes :
It takes its name from Robiolo, Italian town in the province of Pavia, where it was produced since the sixteenth century. 
The good concentration of calcium and phosphorus makes robiola suitable for growing subjects and people at risk of osteoporosis.

Ingredients for 4 people
8 gluten free rice crackers
150 g robiola
200 g sliced smoked salmon
1/2 Lemon
1 thread Extra virgin olive oil
4 sprigs parsley
Poppy seeds for breading


Place the robiola in the bowl, crush to soften it with the help of a fork.
Grate the lemon rind in the cheese, then with the juicer, make the juice of half a lemon. Pour the oil and juice over the robiola and mix with a whisk by hand or with a fork. Carefully clean the parsley, remove the leaves and wash them under cold running water, dry them well with a clean cloth and chop them finely. Add the parsley to the robiola cream, salt and pepper and mix well to mix the ingredients.
Take the rice crackers and spread on each slice, a layer of cheese. Arrange on 4 pieces also strips of salmon and then cover with a piece of crackers with just cheese.
Once the 4 stuffed pieces are created, breading the edges into the poppy seeds to create crispness.