White pizza with smoked scamorza and zucchini

White pizza with smoked scamorza and zucchini
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Time: 20 minuti più riposo
Difficulty: Facile

The beauty of the season, offers us the color and taste of zucchini, a vegetable that I love to consume even in bloom.
A pizza dough on the plate, to leave white and make greedy thanks to melted cheese and this delicious ingredient.

The zucchini has few calories thanks to the amount of water it contains, therefore made suitable for low-calorie diets. An energetic contribution is given by carbohydrates, low in protein and zero in cholesterol, to the advantage of a substantial contribution in potassium.
It contains modest fibers and is a highly digestible vegetable.
Historical background:
The zucchini seems to be native to Central America, it was cultivated in Peru since 1200 BC, then after the discovery of America, it spread to Europe.
The flowers of the courgette are yellow, tending to orange, with a single petal; the male ones depart from the stem through a thin stem, while the female ones rise from the end of the fruit.

Ingredients for 1 kg of dough
500 g Special Bread and Pizza Molino dalla Giovanna
20 g fresh yeast
10 g honey
390 g water
30 g extra virgin olive oil
10 g of salt
Fine rice flour for dusting

For seasoning
200g mozzarella cut into julienne of the type allowed
100g smoked scamorza cheese
2 Courgette verde
10/12 Flowers of pumpkin
1 lemon
6 g extra virgin olive oil
6 g salt to taste
black pepper


Process of making dough and size:
Dissolve the honey and yeast in the water, pour the mix into the mixer and stir adding the water mixture.
Then add the oil and salt.
Continue to knead until a homogeneous and compact dough is formed.
Place the dough on the lightly floured worktop and with the help of a scale, divide it into 150g pieces, wrap them in foil and let rise for an hour and a half.
Turn on the oven at maximum power and heat a pizza stone.
Slice the zucchini thinly lengthwise and marinate with oil, lemon, salt and a pinch of pepper.
Take back the dough, roll out a sheet with oily hands, about half cm high.

Season the base with oil and salt and bake in the oven directly laying the base on the stone for about 10 minutes.
After these first minutes of cooking remove the pan and add the mozzarella and scamorza spreading them on all the pizza.
Continue cooking for another 5 minutes, remove from the oven and decorate with marinated zucchini, and complete with pumpkin flowers, then serve.