Rainbow flan of vegetables

Rainbow flan of vegetables
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Time: 45 minuti
Difficulty: Media

Preparing appetizers in summer is simple because the season, offers us fresh and colorful vegetables, so I propose a delicate flan pleasing to the eye and palate.
Flans are both sweet and salty French preparations of very ancient origin, with a compact appearance but very soft texture, with a refined and very delicate taste.
Baking usually takes place in the oven, but you could also opt for cooking in a double boiler, if you want to make the flan more moist in the center.
Typical preparation of French cuisine, in fact the very name "flan" comes from the old French flaon which means "flan", in turn derived from the Latin flado which means cream.
Ingredients (for 6 people):
200 g zucchini
200 g carrots
200 g eggplants
3 shallots
300 ml fresh cream
6 eggs
120 g grated Parmigiano Reggiano D.O.P. cheese
3 leaves of basil
20 g butter
3 sprigs of thyme
extra virgin olive oil
salt up
black pepper in grains


Trim and wash the zucchini and carrots, peel the latter.
Remove the stalk of the aubergines, wash them and peel them, then cut all the prepared vegetables coarsely.
Brown each prepared vegetable separately in a pan with 1 tablespoon of oil, 1 sprig of thyme and 1/3 of the peeled and chopped shallots.
Bring to cooking by pouring the necessary water, then pass each preparation with the immersion blender, so as to obtain 3 compounds of different colors.
Add 100 ml of cream, 2 eggs, 40 g of Parmesan cheese and a basil leaf and season with salt and pepper. Pass each preparation again with the immersion blender.
Brush 6 individual cocottes with melted butter, place a layer of zucchini cream in each cocotte and bake in a hot oven at 160 ºC for 5 minutes. Then add a layer of carrot cream and bake in the oven at 160 ºC for another 5 minutes; then remove from the oven and repeat the operation by completing with the cream of