Saracen pizzas with bresaola and Grana flakes

Saracen pizzas with bresaola and Grana flakes
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Time: 1 ora e 30 minuti
Difficulty: Media

These pizzas are ideal for aperitifs or buffets, enriched with a gluten-free pseudocereal.
It’s called a pseudocereal because, although they’re similar in nutritional terms to cereals, they belong to the Poligonaceae family.
The properties of buckwheat, are as many as the content in fiber and proteins, has many antioxidant molecules, such as rutin and quercetin.
It is rich in minerals such as manganese, phosphorus, iron and magnesium.
Historical notes: it comes from a spontaneous plant native to Siberia and Manchuria.
Its cultivation spread to China in the 10th century and to the West during the Middle Ages
Besides the grain, today buckwheat is also found in the form of pasta or flour, with which you can make cakes, biscuits, crepes, pancakes or bread.

Ingredients for the poolish
100 g prepared for Pane e Pizza Molino dalla Giovanna without lactose
150 g water
3 g fresh yeast
Ingredients for 1 kg of dough:
500 g Special Bread and Pizza Molino dalla Giovanna without lactose
250 g poolish
6 g fresh yeast
400 g water
8 g salt to taste
Gluten-free rice and corn flour for dusting

For seasoning
300 g of tomato pulp
4 leaves of basil
350 g chopped mozzarella for pizza allowed
200 g sliced bresaola with 2 mm thickness allowed
150 g valerian
80 g of grain cut into threads  
evo oil  
salt up
ground black pepper


Procedure for setting up the poolish
Pour the water into a bowl and dissolve the amount of yeast in it, then add the mix and mix well to remove the lumps.
Put to rest in the fridge covered with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 8/12 hours.
After the rest period before use, the poolish must be taken out of the fridge at least 45 minutes before use.
Process for making the dough:
Pour the mix and the poolish into a mixer, work and add the water in which the yeast has melted, work until the dough is smooth and homogenous, soft.
Procedure for the size and leavening and cooking:
pour the dough on the floured pastry board and with a scale, cut into about 150g,
wrap with film and let rise in the fridge for about 12 hours.
After the leavening time, remove from the fridge and work the dough on a wooden pastry board with rice flour and corn, forming pizzas with a diameter of 10 cm by hand and place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper to rise again for about 20 minutes.
Meanwhile prepare the seasoning.
Pour the tomato pulp into a bowl and season with 3 tablespoons of oil, a pinch of salt, 4 basil leaves chopped by hand and mix everything with a spoon.
Take the pan with the pizzas, season the bases with 3 tablespoons of tomato; bake in the preheated oven at 250 ºC for 15 minutes.
At the end of cooking, remove the pizzas from the oven and season them with mozzarella, then put them back in the oven to cook for about 5 minutes.
After these last minutes of cooking, remove from the oven and complete with a slice of bresaola wrapped in flower, a sprig of valerian seasoned with a spoon of EVO oil, a pinch of salt and a few flakes of grit.