Rolls with chocolate chips and raisins

Rolls with chocolate chips and raisins
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Time: 1 ora più riposo
Difficulty: Facile

Ideal for a snack, or a buffet dedicated to children. Preparing these delicious sandwiches can be the best solution, the soft texture and delicate taste allow you to enjoy them so or with the fillings.
Dried raisin is a good source of antioxidants, including resveratrol, a molecule that has been associated with anti-inflammatory, anticancer and lowering blood cholesterol levels.
Raisins give this bread fragrance and sweetness, is bought dried and is available all year round.
historical notes:
Its origins, however, are to be found in Greece, Turkey and Iran, the name sultanina in fact, is linked to the sultan, ruler of the Ottoman Empire. One of the most valuable qualities grows in Turkey, in the area of Izmir, while in Europe are also known qualities from Corinth and Malaga.

Ingredients for 4 people
350 g Special prepared for bread and pizza Molino Dallagiovanna
200 g whole milk
40 g granulated sugar
1 egg yolk
30g chocolate chips
30 g raisins sultanas
14 g fresh yeast
15 g Rum (optional)
30 g sunflower seed oil
20 g lard
5 g salt to taste 
For dusting and to brush
1 whole egg
Rice flour and fine corn for dusting allowed

Place the milk in a container or on a food processor and add the yeast and granulated sugar, knead until the sugar has completely dissolved. Pour the mixture into the mix and knead until smooth and creamy.
Complete the preparation by adding the oil, rum, lard and salt, finally add the chocolate and raisins.
Transfer the dough to a pastry board, then form a smooth and compact ball with the help of rice and corn flour.
Divide into dough of about 70 g and form small rolls, round and elongated.
Allow to stand for 40 minutes at room temperature, covered with a film veil.