Buckthorn loaf with linseed oil and sesame seeds

Buckthorn loaf with linseed oil and sesame seeds
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Time: 1 ora e 30 minuti
Difficulty: Facile

Making bread at home is a ritual for me.
Dough and taste taste taste, smell and sight, I create variations in the ingredients to always give a touch of novelty.
Today I propose the loaf with linseed oil.
Linseed oil, extracted from the seeds of the flax plant, is rich in omega 3 and omega 6, useful for the heart and against high cholesterol, and is widely used in the field of cosmetics.
In the diet is recommended raw, its well-balanced composition of fatty acids promotes it as an oil for vegetarian and vegan nutrition and as a natural supplement.
Historical background
The flax plant dates back to ancient Egypt, it was cultivated in Babylon already 3000 years ago. Legend has it that the Emperor Charlemagne, struck by the beneficial properties of his seeds, imposed a law that obliged his subjects to regular consumption of linen.
contains essential fatty acids for our body, such as oleic acid, vitamin E and vitamin B, lecithin, a large part of proteins and fibers and finally many minerals such as magnesium and zinc.

Ingredients for about 1,070 g of raw dough:
450 g Special bread and pizza Molino dalla Giovanna without lactose
50 g whole grain buckwheat flour
420 g water
25 g fresh yeast
20 g granulated sugar
30 g Linseed oil
6 g salt to taste
For the purpose of dusting:
Rice and maize flour

Process of making the dough:
In a bowl or in a mixer pour the mix and the saraceno, in a separate bowl dissolve in water, sugar and yeast and then pour into the flour, start to work for a couple of minutes to mix everything.
At this point, add the oil and let the dough work, then the salt and complete the processing of the dough until a smooth and homogeneous dough.