Gluten-free bread ribollita

Gluten-free bread ribollita
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Time: 2 ore e 15 minuti + tempo di riposo
Difficulty: Facile

Ingredients for 8 people:
200 g of dried cannellini beans
1 onion
2 carrots
2 coasts of white celery
1 bunch of black cabbage
1/4 cabbage
1 bunch of chard
2 potatoes
1 leek
150 peeled tomatoes
300 g Gluten free Revolution sow
1 l vegetable broth
1 thyme sprig
extra virgin olive oil
salt up
ground black pepper

cannellini for about 12 hours in cold water, then rinse, drain well and cook in a pan with 2 liters of water initially cold for about 2 hours from the boil.
Meanwhile, peel the onion and slice it thinly; remove the carrots and celery, wash them and cut them into rounds. To deprive the black cabbage of the hardest part of the coast, wash it and divide it into strips; remove the core of the core and the outer leaves, leaf through it, wash it carefully and cut the julienne leaves.
Brown the onion in a "coccio" (terracotta pan) with 3 tablespoons of oil, then add the carrots and celery, leave to season for a few minutes, stirring constantly; then add the black cabbage, brown for 5 minutes, and complete with cabbage, cooking for another 5 minutes. Sprinkle with 2 ladles of vegetable stock and cook until the liquid is removed. In the meantime peel the potatoes, wash and cut into cubes;remove the chard from the end of the stem, wash it carefully and chop it coarsely. Add both ingredients to the soup, when the liquid is almost completely absent, and cook for 15 minutes, adding a little hot broth if necessary. Add then the washed thyme and the peeled crushed with a fork and cook for other 15 minutes, adding more hot broth if necessary (at the end the ribollita should be only slightly liquid). Season with salt and pepper and, outside the fire, add the stale bread, stirring so that it is soaked; finally mix with a whisk by hand, so that the bread is reduced to a pulp.
Divide in individual holster, complete with a drizzle of olive oil and serve.