Gnocchi with monkfish, cherry tomatoes and olives

Gnocchi with monkfish, cherry tomatoes and olives
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Time: 1 ora e 30 minuti
Difficulty: Facile

Born as a poor dish and their origin dates back to when potatoes were imported into Italy from America, but then become one of the most present preparations on Italian tables.

The gnocchi have a soft consistency, round or oval shape and unique goodness, they are a first Italian dish made simply with potatoes, flour and... variants of each region.
Historical background:
This tuber comes to our country in the period of a heavy famine and becomes the new food in replacement of bread for most of the population.
It begins, so, to integrate potatoes in the preparation of many dishes, since then, potato dumplings were born.
The variations are now very many and range from the simple Piedmontese recipe with eggs and potatoes, to the Roman one with semolina or, again, the Sardinian gnocchetti, the list is definitely long.

Ingredients for 4 people
500 g white potatoes Bologna PGI
160 g prepared for fresh pasta Molino dalla Giovanna
70 g of rice flour
5 g salt to taste
1 pinch of nutmeg
For the seasoning you can:
800 g monkfish fillet (filleted and barbed)
2 artichokes
12 cherry tomatoes
2 cloves of garlic
33 cl of white wine
10 g chopped parsley
80 g taggiasche pitted black olives
extra virgin olive oil
salt up

Boil a pot with water when it has come to a boil, pour the potatoes into the pot and cook for about 40 minutes over low heat.
At the end of the cooking of the potatoes peel and pass to the potato masher, dropping the puree directly into a bowl.
Cool a few minutes, then transfer the whole in a planetary or flat.
Add the rest of the ingredients and allow to incorporate until the dough is compact and homogeneous.
Create on the floured pastry board, a ball with the dough, if too soft, let stand for 30 minutes in the fridge.
at the end of the rest, take the pieces of dough and roll them on the rice flour, creating sausages.
With a floured knife, cut them into pieces 4 mm long, crush the dumpling in the center with your index finger; let it rest on a tray sprinkled with rice flour.
Prepare the seasoning for cooking.
Peel the garlic cloves, remove the sprout in the middle and chop finely, then brown them in a non-stick pan with 2 tablespoons of oil for a few seconds.
Add the cut toad tail and cook for 5 minutes, then wet with the wine and let evaporate.
Add the artichokes cut into slices and shaved, season for 2 minutes, stirring with the help of a spoon.
At this point add the tomatoes washed and divided in half cook for another 3 minutes over high heat, adding a little water if necessary. At the end, add the olives and season with salt and pepper, add a sprinkling of parsley, remove from heat.
Cook the gnocchi in plenty of salted boiling water, draining them with a skimmer when they resume boiling and come to the surface; transfer them to the pan with the seasoning and let them flavor briefly, adding a little oil.
Divide the gnocchi into individual dishes and serve.