Corn tortelloni with trout, quinoa and shallots on cauliflower cream

Corn tortelloni with trout, quinoa and shallots on cauliflower cream
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Time: 2 ore più riposo
Difficulty: Media

Stuffed pasta is one of my favorite dishes because it is rich in taste and I can indulge in the fillings. In these tortelloni next to the salmon trout that also gives me color to the plate.
Features: In addition to being low in cholesterol, trout have a high content of omega3, essential fats for the body, able to treat inflammation, ensure cardiovascular protection and improve memory.
For its low calorie intake, trout is particularly suitable for children, or for those who are following a low-calorie diet.
Historical notes: the Fario trout is the most common species in Europe and grows in the clear and fresh mountain waters, well oxygenated, which does not exceed 25 degrees. When trout is found in lake waters, it tends to become more like Sea Trout.
Notes: Trout does not come into contact with Anisakis, a parasite very dangerous for human health.

Ingredients for 8 people
400 g mix special fresh pasta Molino dalla Giovanna
100g of flour from corn
380 g egg yolk
30 g extra virgin olive oil
a pinch of salt up
For the filling:
800 g salmon trout fillet
200 g of quinoa
4 shallots
2 dl dry white wine
200 g of white potatoes
1 sprig of parsley
2 yolks
salt up
For the seasoning you can:
600 g of cauliflower
2 shallots
1 sprig of parsley
salt up
extra virgin olive oil

Wash the potatoes and cook in plenty of boiling water for about 30 minutes; at the end, drain, allow to cool for 10 minutes then peel and pass with the potato masher, collecting the puree in a bowl.
Place the quinoa in a sieve with a thick mesh and wash it carefully under running water, cook in boiling water for 15 minutes, then drain well and let cool before adding it to the mashed potatoes.
Prepare the dough. Mix in a bowl the flours, creating a fountain, add the yolks in the center, then add the oil and a pinch of salt until. Mix everything, incorporating the flour. Form a homogeneous ball, cover with a kitchen towel moistened with water and leave to rest in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
Meanwhile, prepare the filling. Remove the fish from the bones and divide into cubes. Peel the shallots, chop them finely and brown them for 1 minute in a large non-stick pan, over low heat, with 1 tablespoon of oil; add the trout fillet, let it flavor for 1 minute, then wet with the wine and let it evaporate over a high heat. Cook the fish, then take it with a skimmer and let it cool; then add 600 g in the bowl with the quinoa and mashed potatoes (keep the rest aside for decoration), and mix everything with a spoon of salt, then add the washed and chopped parsley.
Take back the dough, divide it into small pieces and roll it out with the appropriate spreader machine, until you get the sheets 1 mm thick. Lay 2 sheets on the top and distribute on one of them the well spaced heaps of filling; moisten the edges of the dough with water, cover with the second sheet and press with your fingers around the filling, to eliminate the air present. Using a festooned wheel or coppapasta, cut out the tortelloni and seal the edges with a slight pressure of the fingers. Transfer them on a tray sprinkled with rice starch and let them dry.
Meanwhile, prepare the seasoning. Remove the stem from the cauliflower, divide the cauliflower into florets and cut the base, then wash them carefully under running water. Cook for 8 minutes in plenty of boiling water, then drain and transfer to a bowl with cold water.
Peel the shallots, chop them finely and brown them in a pan with 2 tablespoons of oil for 1 minute; add the cauliflower florets and cook for 12 minutes adding 2 dl of water. Bring to the boil, then season with salt and pass everything with the immersion blender; transfer the cream obtained in a small saucepan and put it in a bain-marie on the fire.
Cook the tortelloni for about 8 minutes in plenty of boiling salted water with 1 tablespoon of oil, then take them gently with a skimmer; distribute the seasoning in individual dishes, lay over the tortelloni and complete with the remaining slices of trout, a drizzle of oil and a pinch of parsley and serve.