Gluten-free Christmas Pastry Course

Gluten-free Christmas Pastry Course
  • Il Mondo delle Intolleranze
  • 03-12-2021
  • 19: 00 - 22:0
  • Basiano (MI) - via delle industrie,24
  • 3423600040
  • segreteria@ilmondodelleintolle
  • 0 €

Gluten free cooking course description :

The training room with theme Pastry offers a path that will allow you to create the products of gluten-free cuisine in total autonomy.

Through a dense exchange of theoretical and practical knowledge you will be able to juggle your preparations, regardless of your level of experience.

The recipes that we will realize:

Traditional panettone with raisins and candied orange
Panettone with chocolate chips
Classic pandoro with powdered sugar
Objectives of the gluten free cooking course:
conscious approach to gluten-free raw materials for use in preparations
to learn a method of kneading that guarantees the results in the expectations
know, also through questions to be asked to the teacher, the secrets and methods of dough management
analysis of the various processing processes for the production of gluten-free products
understand which are the best solutions for each product in the phases of dough, leavening, cooking and storage.
Structure of the gluten free cooking course:

the course is structured in practical and theoretical phases, in particular:

introduction to naturally gluten-free raw materials
nature and characteristics of ingredients in commercial mixes
functions of gluten-free raw materials and reaction inside the dough
dough method and correct sequence of insertion of ingredients in the realization of recipes
examination and study of each individual mode of rest and /or leavening
study of cooking choices suitable for individual preparations
method of preservation and/or regeneration of the product

Recipients of the gluten free cooking course:
The gluten-free cooking course is intended for amateurs and professionals on any level of experience, who want to enrich the knowledge of gluten-free recipes both in the home and in the professional field.