The Slurp portal, all at the table, involves the Chef Marco Scaglione

Slurp is the portal dedicated to those who sit on the table with specific dietary needs, contact us to find out how the work of the gluten free professional is carried out.
"A kitchen for everyone with dishes that reflect the love for good food, the flavors and the warmth of the places of their childhood, from Sicily to Tuscany through France. Research and the creation of a new balance between tradition and innovation. This is how Marco Scagliole, Chef and consultant of the "free from" world, presents himself to us. A world, that of  "naturally without", that has always fascinated him and where he has been able to demonstrate how cooking "free" is absolutely not synonymous with "without" taste."

Good food is the essential ingredient on which all the sessions of the site develop, regardless of the specific needs at the table.
It offers alternatives and replacements without risking damage to health, interesting information and insights shared by experts.